Offshore Asset moves from good to great performance through continuous improvement
Delivering the capability to achieve world class performance with a new way of working
Context and Challenge
Deepwater Tension Leg Platform in operation since 1996
Long-term history of better than average performance compared to similar assets
Previous CI efforts had only achieved a small level of compliance and failed to produce sustainable results
High workload with an aging workforce (40% expected to retire within next few years)
Stagnant HSSE performance
Drop in oil price necessitated re-assessment of "how to work"
Created and ensured adoption of a robust Business Plan Deployment process linking personal goals to organizational vision
Focused improvement efforts on key gaps and processes
Ensured improvement initiatives linked results, processes, management systems, leadership behaviors, through change and learning capability
Applied "Lean" Plan-Do-Check-Adjust approach to selected improvements
Improved team's problem solving capabilities and consistency
Built out maintenance requirements using a "zero based" approach
Streamlined the management system (time spent in meetings, decision making roles, information flow)
Delivered performance coaching throughout the organization
“Working with a team of dynamic people toward a set goal leads to success. I have learned that change brings fear, but not changing can be more scary.”