Evolve continues to help clients unlock value in tight gas
Evolve continues to expand its practice of helping producers in shale gas plays to assure delivery of development programs and manage transition to steady-state operations. Supporting clients in such fields as Eagle Ford, Marcellus, and Haynesville, Evolve is helping clients to develop a deep understanding of end-to-end venture development and well delivery, improve integrated planning and cross-functional coordination, and achieve a Lean manufacturing continuous improvement mindset throughout their operations.
Expiring leases, contractor safety, right of ways, water management, rig and frac schedules, production facilities, road maintenance, pipeline tie-ins, trucking and logistics, regulatory approvals, community stewardship—these and many other issues confront tight gas operators on a continually shifting basis. With more and larger acquisitions into ever expanding list of tight-gas discoveries, major producers are seeking both assurance and acceleration of return on these strategic investments. Evolve is helping producers to enhance decision systems, and organizational effectiveness to preserve acreage, determine depletion, increase rig utilization, improve HSE performance, and flow product to market faster.
Moving to steady-state operations requires building local operations capability in production surveillance and maintenance programs in addition to ongoing drilling activity. Evolve helps guide clients through the asset lifecycle transitions from exploration to development to steady-state production operations. This includes supporting the need to build local capability while integrating with skill pools from traditional onshore gas operations in production surveillance and maintenance, as well as drilling and completions engineering and field-execution.